
  • Dial turned to select one person on the left-side of the screen above the instructions saying to choose your character for a Deep Sea Exploration

    Choose Your Character

    Objective: Engage learners in potentially info-dense material with personalized characters to guide them through the course.

    Target Audience: Orientation for diving company employees or attendees of deep sea exploration event.

    Program Used: Articulate Storyline 360

  • A hand cutting a roll of dough with a baking tip about how to cut the dough shown

    Interactive Video

    Objective: Create engaging, interactive video content for an explainer video about baking.

    Target Audience: Bakers, HR departments

    Program Used: Articulate Storyline 360

  • A medical professional standing next to a summary of what the presentation will be about, along with three tabs that say empathy, active listening, and bad bedside manner

    Bedside Manner Tab Explanation

    Objective: Display multi-page information about medical bedside manner using tabs, triggers, and states

    Target Audience: Orientation for new medical professionals.

    Program Used: Articulate Storyline 360

  • A screenshot of an Amazon online webpage

    Amazon Webpage Hotspots Explanation

    Objective: Identify and explain features of a typical Amazon webpage.

    Target Audience: Users new to online shopfront webpages.

    Program Used: Articulate Storyline 360

  • Two people standing below the title Challenge #1 next to instructions on what how to complete the challenge with and arrow pointing to the bottom-right, illustrating where the next button can be found

    Branching Scenario

    Objective: On-board new employees who will handle confidential information. Here's the storyboard used to draft the scenario.

    Target Audience: New employee orientation.

    Program Used: Articulate Storyline 360

  • Two people standing below the title Challenge #1 next to instructions on what how to complete the challenge with and arrow pointing to the bottom-right, illustrating where the next button can be found

    Terms and Conditions Example

    Objective: Display terms and conditions in a more engaging way than is typical using Storyline's scrolling panel.

    Target Audience: Companies with documents requiring users to sign documents to show their consent.

    Program Used: Articulate Storyline 360

  • Person smiling next to a title that says How would you rate your experience with this content, which is above a slider that can be moved from 0 to 4 and is currently in the third position

    Smiley Survey

    Objective: Create a visual for a survey asking for users to rate their experience with content that would be shown before it.

    Target Audience: Rating specialists, HRs

    Program Used: Articulate Storyline 360

  • Hansel and Petal Franchisee Orientation title written in front of a background of a person in overalls holding a bouquet of flowers. Thank you to David Rivers for guidance in creating this!

    Orientation in Rise 360

    Objective: Showcasing an engaging orientation for franchisee owners of loral shops using Articulate Rise 360.

    Target Audience: Orientations, in particular, franchisee owners

    Program Used: Articulate Storyline 360

  • Screenshot of Mastodon's webpage for people to create an Mastodon account

    Mastodon Explainer Video using Camtasia

    Objective: Video walkthrough of how to set up a Mastodon account that briefly goes through information on servers and instances.
    Here's Mastodon's Official Guide to its site and their Official Instance Finder!

    Target Audience: People interested in making a Mastodon account

    Program Used: Camtasia 2022 Free Trial Version

  • Image showing the words Needs Analysis with a magnifying glass in front of a paper with different charts on it.

    Needs Analysis Example

    Objective: Explaining the rationale behind a 4-week tutoring program for learners about to take a standardized test. Data used for the analysis here.

    Target Audience: K-12, Educators, Academic Supervisors

    Resources Used: Adobe PDF, special thanks to Jeff Toister from LinkedIn Learning for the template.

  • Icons of html and css next to the words 'Media Survey'.

    HTML Survey Form

    Objective: Practice HTML and CSS skills with a survey requesting users to share information about their favorite piece of media.

    Target Audience: Library patrons, K-12, Icebreaker during orientation

    Program Used: Free Code Camp and Visual Studio Code

  • Image showing that the topic of the course is Changing passive voice to active voice. The tagline is Improving your writing skills one part-of-speech at a time!

    Grammar Lesson Passive vs. Active Part One

    Objective: Educate or help learners review the difference between passive voice and active voice sentences by identifying the parts of a basic, simple sentence.

    Target Audience: K-12, English Language Learners, Educators

    Program Used: Articulate Storyline 360

  • Image showing that Objective 2 is Determining the difference between passive and active voice

    Grammar Lesson Passive vs. Active Part Two

    Objective: Educate or help learners review the difference between passive voice and active voice sentences by helping learners identify passive voice and active voice sentences.

    Target Audience: K-12, English Language Learners, Educators

    Program Used: Articulate Storyline 360

  • Image showing that Objective 3 is Creating sentences with active voice

    Grammar Lesson Passive vs. Active Part Three

    Objective: Educate or help learners review the difference between passive voice and active voice sentences by showing how to create active sentences.

    Target Audience: K-12, English Language Learners, Educators

    Program Used: Articulate Storyline 360

  • Image showing that Objective 4 is Changing sentences from passive to active voice

    Grammar Lesson Passive vs. Active Part Four

    Objective: Educate or help learners review the difference between passive voice and active voice sentences by showing how to turn passive sentences into active sentences.

    Target Audience: K-12, English Language Learners, Educators

    Program Used: Articulate Storyline 360

  • Multiple-choice questions arranged to look like a popular game show

    Grammar Lesson Passive vs. Active - Summative Assessment

    Objective: Educate and/or help learners review the difference between passive voice and active voice sentences by testing their knowledge. It's recommended to take this after viewing the Grammar Lessons over the content: Passive vs. Active.

    Target Audience: K-12, English Language Learners, Educators

    Program Used: Articulate Storyline 360

  • Snip of CommonLit library page with a search bar beneath the words The Library.

    Teaching Showcase for The Cask of Amontillado

    Teaching of the short story,
    The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allen Poe

    Objective: Identify themes in short stories.
    Target Audience: K-12 Educators, Library Workers, Learners, Parents/Guardians
    Program Used: Screencastify and Clipchamp

  • Icon showing the words Lesson Plan next to a notebook, paper, and pen

    Lesson Plan for "The Cask of Amontillado"

    Objective: Explain the structure behind the corresponding lesson materials for "The Cask of Amontillado"

    Target Audience: K-12, Educators

    Program Used: Office 365: Word

  • Lesson using A Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allen Poe

    Take a look at a lessons I've created inspired by a CommonLit Text!

    Right-click anywhere in the Nearpod frame and select This Frame > Open Frame in New Tab to enlarge it.