About Me

Passionate, communicative, and a pursuer of knowledge driven to create equitable learning experiences to promote continuous education to diverse adult learners. An operational and educational professional with over 2 years of experience in assessing and implementing curricula based on the diverse needs and population of a virtual and in-person learning environment.

Now after reading all of that, I welcome you to view some of the fun projects I've made and a few of my favorite books!

This is How You Lose the Time War
Act Your Age, Eve Brown
The Song of Achilles
Six of Crows
The Broken Earth Trilogy
Joy Ewere_Headshot.jpg


  • Icons of html and css next to the words 'Media Survey'.

    HTML Survey Form

    Objective: Practice HTML and CSS skills with a survey requesting users to share information about their favorite piece of media.

    Target Audience: Library patrons, K-12, Icebreaker during orientation

    Program Used: Free Code Camp and Visual Studio Code

  • A screenshot of an Amazon online webpage

    Amazon Webpage Hotspots Explanation

    Objective: Identify and explain features of a typical amazon webpage.

    Target Audience: Users new to online shopfront webpages.

    Program Used: Articulate Storyline 360

  • Two people standing below the title Challenge #1 next to instructions on what how to complete the challenge with and arrow pointing to the bottom-right, illustrating where the next button can be found

    Branching Scenario

    Objective: On-board new employees who will handle confidential information. Here's the storyboard used to draft the scenario.

    Target Audience: New employee orientation.

    Program Used: Articulate Storyline 360

  • Image showing the words Needs Analysis with a magnifying glass in front of a paper with different charts on it.

    Needs Analysis Example

    Objective: Explaining the rationale behind a 4-week tutoring program using the first step of the ADDIE model. This is a project designed for learners about to take a standardized test. Data used for the analysis here.

    Target Audience: K-12, Educators, Academic Supervisors

    Resources Used: Adobe PDF, special thanks to Jeff Toister from LinkedIn Learning for the template.

  • Hansel and Petal Franchisee Orientation title written in front of a background of a person in overalls holding a bouquet of flowers. Thank you to David Rivers for guidance in creating this!

    Orientation in Rise 360

    Objective: Showcasing an engaging orientation for franchisee owners of loral shops using Articulate Rise 360.

    Target Audience: Orientations, in particular, franchisee owners

    Program Used: Articulate Storyline 360

  • Screenshot of Mastodon's webpage for people to create an Mastodon account

    Mastodon Explainer Video using Camtasia

    Objective: Video walkthrough of how to set up a Mastodon account that briefly goes through information on servers and instances.
    Here's Mastodon's Official Guide to its site and their Official Instance Finder!

    Target Audience: People interested in making a Mastodon account

    Program Used: Camtasia 2022 Free Trial Version


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